In this short, it actually takes quite a while before it gets violent, especially considering that the first deaths are by smoke inhalation and therefore pretty peaceful. The characters are really cute and if you didn’t know anything about the show, you’d probably be really shocked when the carnage starts. My thoughts: Happy Tree Friends is a flash animated series that ran for five seasons, four of which were exclusively on the internet and one that ran on television. Lifty and Shifty tie Flippy up while robbing him and when he wakes up, he has war prison flashbacks and turns into Fliqpy, viciously murdering Lifty and Shifty.įun Fact: This was the first episode of the show that Mime lives all the way through. Lifty and Shifty see Mime putting an imaginary bag of money in an imaginary safe, so they steal it (causing Mime to get upset at the end when he finds it missing).
Plot in 3 Sentences: Pop disables the smoke alarm (which goes off while he’s cooking Christmas dinner) so when Lifty and Shifty block the chimney with the Christmas tree they’re stealing, the alarm fails to work, causing Pop and Cub to die of smoke inhalation.